Gifts of Real Estate

Giftlands Program: Protecting the Chesapeake for Future Generations

The Chesapeake Bay, our nation’s largest estuary, is a natural treasure and one of the most biologically productive environments in the world. Yet, this fragile ecosystem faces ongoing threats, with over 50 acres of forests and farmlands lost daily to development. This fragmentation reduces wildlife habitats, harms biodiversity and jeopardizes the Bay’s future.

Chesapeake Conservancy’s Giftlands Program is a critical response to this challenge, supporting our goal to conserve 30% of the Chesapeake watershed by 2030. Land donations through our Giftlands Program not only safeguard essential habitats but also play a pivotal role in connecting conserved lands across the region, allowing ecosystems to function more effectively. 

Chesapeake Conservancy works tirelessly to save the places you love – streams, farms, parks, forests, trails and vistas. We work with local land trusts, landowners, communities and public agencies to protect this natural treasure for all people – forever.  For those of you that are interested in this grand idea, to protect our natural world, we hope you will consider a gift of real estate to Chesapeake Conservancy.  

We can partner with you to evaluate your options and assess the ecological value of your property, helping you reach your philanthropic and conservation goals.  You can play a major role in protecting the Chesapeake for all by creating this most meaningful legacy. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact: Matt Provost
Phone: (508) 317-1695

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